According to our dating tests hasn’t been nearly as successful for landing dates and sealing the deal like some of the other sites that we tested. Of course, many of us finding ourselves going on these dating sites because we are having trouble meeting people in the area to begin with, so the last thing that any of us would want is to fall into another dating site scam. One great thing is that many sites have been able to track and trace people’s movements and actions more recently so many of the sites that are available on the Internet are legitimate – more so than ever before. That is a plus, but again, like with most things in life – there is going to be the cream of the crop and best of the best, and is falling short from hitting that mark.
Still Wondering Do Online Hookup Sites Work?
There are other legit dating sites for hooking up that are available that have been quite successful in the amount of emails that were sent out, replies, actual dates and then sealing the deal at the end of the night. Which adult dating sites are good? Of course we all would love to end the night in a hookup so we suggest to try out sites like,, and These sites had much higher success rates as far as hooking up and connecting with the ‘right’ people and not falling into hookup dating scams or having escorts calling relentlessly.

According to our opinion and after testing a lot of online hook up websites, we conclude that XXXBlackBook is probably not the best option for you. We HIGLY recommend you to pick one of those best hook up sites here
The Proof is in the Pudding
Tested in 2016
While we sincerely want the best for everyone out there, that is why we took the time to test out these sites and give a no holds barred type of review. Will you meet people on this site? Absolutely! Will you be able to set up a date? Perhaps, and then will your date even show up…this is where the numbers do not lie and you can see for yourself that this is not one of your best options for dating sites. There seems to be many complaints about the hot women not even responding in a timely fashion due to the fact that they don’t think your profile is legit – and then, putting your personal contact information in there and being reached by an escort? This is clearly not what you intended when you signed up for the site to begin with.
Also upsetting was the men to women ratio on the site. Women will have a much easier time finding a man on this site because the great pretty girls are lacking – very few and far between. We scoured the site for numerous hours searching for a hot hookup, just to be disappointed and still alone. I personally set up a few dates and was left there waiting, feeling more upset that I had taken the time to go and plug all of my information into the site just to feel rejected. It’s not a great feeling and I felt worse than before the whole process started.
Hookup Site Scams
Another thing that we found was that there were scams going on within the site itself. While this site looks totally legitimate, there was other funny business going on that honestly, we wanted no part of. Please heed our advice and check out one of the successful sites that we took the time to conduct the same studies on. The success rates are much higher and many people are more pleased with the turnout of the dates showing up, as well as the much higher women to men ratio. Do yourself a favor, we’ve done the research because we just want you to thoroughly enjoy yourself. We all deserve happiness and to get laid!