In our opinion is not a site that you really even want to spend your time searching for people on. If you are looking to hookup and have a wonderful evening with some hot women that are trying to go out and have a good time, this is not the avenue that you really want to go. Are you sitting there wondering do online hookup sites work? We have tested numerous sites and there are many more that deliver exactly what they promise. Which adult dating sites are good? These legit dating site for hooking up are worth checking out.,, are some of the top site that we have reviewed and had an amazing positive turnout. There is always question on whether or not dating sites are legitimate and unfortunately there still are some out there that are not as great in this particular area.
Check Out and See for Yourself
Tested in 2016
As you can see, these numbers are less than promising and definitely will set you up to feeling disappointed. While this may not completely be in the realm of hookup dating scams, you will not be pleased. Many people have stated that they took the time to go through the motions of setting up a profile with their proper information and instead of being in contact with the people expected, many escorts were contacting us which is a complete turnoff. The whole point of going onto an online dating site, is to find legitimate hookups with people that you can have a great time with. Not ones that we are paying for a good time – that really takes all excitement and joy out of the main goal.

According to our opinion and after testing a lot of online hook up websites, we conclude that OnlineBootyCall is probably not the best option for you. We HIGLY recommend you to pick one of those best hook up sites here
Men to Women Hookup Site Ratios
Additionally, there was an issue with the ratio of men to women on the sites. The women that were on there, were not ‘up to par’ so to speak and nothing to look twice at. After setting up a profile and trying to stay in contact with a few people, we experienced that the pretty girls didn’t even respond because they in fact thought that we had created fake accounts. This makes it difficult to go onto an online dating site and not really know what’s true and what isn’t, it seems very disorganized and not worth anyone’s time.
On the contact that was received, it was exciting. As with meeting anyone new, you try to set up a date to further your acquaintance. Unfortunately, the dates didn’t even show up! There are several accounts where this has happened and it makes for a bad experience. No one wants to admit that they are having a difficult time finding someone to hook up with in the first place, but then to be left hanging – patiently waiting for a date to show up and they don’t. It’s upsetting to say the least.
Have you ever received some spam mail about a Nigerian bank account where you have won millions of dollars and need to claim it soon? Well think about that but for a dating scam.
Positive and Negative Experiences Can Occur
While some people have had positive experiences and totally got to hook up with their hot partners, in our opinion, these times were far and few between. We aren’t trying to set any of you up for failure because we know how difficult it is to meet people that go through with what they say. Never mind the fact, who has the time in their busy schedule to try to set up a one night stand and be bailed on? We certainly don’t. If you are looking to have a great time and meet legitimate people who are willing to follow through with their dates and seal the deal at the end of the night, we strongly suggest that you test out the sites that we positively reviewed. Wouldn’t you rather know that you are guaranteed a high success rate if you are spending your precious time trying to find someone to hang out with? That’s what we thought!