In our opinion isn’t one of the best options for dating and online hookup sites that are readily available for your use. We took a solid couple of months testing out various sites for you, so we can point you in the right direction to get laid without any hiccups along the way. It is an awesome feeling to be able to get online and meet someone who will actually show up for your date. You guys can mix and mingle, enjoy a night out, take care of business and then go your separate ways without the stress or headache.
This brings us to the question, do online hookup sites work? Yes, there are legit dating sites for hooking up. Well now which adult dating sites are good, you are probably wondering. In these two months, we found that was not nearly as successful as other sites were. There are hookup dating scams but sites that did well were,,, and to name a few. In comparison – well, there is no comparison really because you will see for yourself the amount of emails that were sent out, how many responses were sent back and how many people got lucky and went on dates or got laid.

According to our opinion and after testing a lot of online hook up websites, we conclude that DateHookup is probably not the best option for you. We HIGLY recommend you to pick one of those best hook up sites here
Do the Math
Tested in 2016
These tests were conducted this year and if you don’t want to take our word for it, you’ve seen the numbers with your own eyes. With 100 emails sent out to beautiful hot women, only 19 replied, one date was set up but she was a no show. Why go through the motions and effort of all of this to get absolutely nowhere? Not only will this leave you feeling rejected, but even more sexually frustrated than before.
Extremely Low Response Rates
Everyone that is looking on sites like these, are looking for one night stands – not to have any strings attached what so ever. Just a hook up and back to the normal daily routine. It is upsetting to see how low the responses were on this site and honestly, the women to men ratio is not something to be bragging about either. It took quite a bit to get online and create a profile and even longer still, to formulate emails to send out to the non-responsive women. In the meantime, though – we did in fact get contacted by escorts, which may be one of the reasons the site is not doing as well as it should.
Why Some Hookup Sites Don’t Work
It is a known fact that there are several singles out there looking to get laid, so why can’t this hookup site work? One, being contacting by unexpected people that are expecting payment for sexual enjoyment is actually a turn off for people worldwide. It’s almost like a slap in the face if you are asking personal opinion. Yes, sex is on the brain but safe encounters with likeminded individuals.
It was also somewhat difficult to sift through all of the different profiles to find legitimate hookups. If we weren’t trying to get laid and had the time to do all of this type of searching, we would just go out at night time around the local area and do it that way.
With the use of the Internet, one of the main things that people thoroughly enjoy is the convenience of being able to search for hookups in the comfort of their own home, on their own time. A lot of us don’t have the ‘free’ time to go out and try to date, then expect to get laid without being treated some type of way by those who want relationships.
In a situation such as this, do yourself the favor and just check out the sites that have proven to be successful. There are a lot more hits on other sites, especially if you are looking to seal the deal. Why waste your own time when you can be getting busy?